Global Warming Complete Myth. End of Story Topic

Hydrogen is mainly used for the conversion of heavy petroleum fractions into lighter ones via the process of hydrocracking and other petroleum fractions (dehydrocyclization and the aromatization process). It is also required for cleaning fossil fuels via hydrodesulfurization.

Hydrogen is mainly used for the production of ammonia via Haber process. In this case, the hydrogen is produced in situ. Ammonia is the major component of mostfertilizers.

Earlier it was common to vent the surplus hydrogen off, nowadays the process systems are balanced with hydrogen pinch to collect hydrogen for further use.

Hydrogen may be used in fuel cells for local electricity generation, making it possible for hydrogen to be used as a transportation fuel for an electric vehicle.

Hydrogen is also produced as a by-product of industrial chlorine production by electrolysis. Although requiring expensive technologies, hydrogen can be cooled, compressed and purified for use in other processes on site or sold to a customer via pipeline, cylinders or trucks. The discovery and development of less expensive methods of production of bulk hydrogen is relevant to the establishment of a hydrogen economy.[3]

2/27/2014 8:08 PM
The byproducts of hydrogen fuel cell is water and heat. Shuttle astronauts rely on this power for their life-support systems. - See more at:
2/27/2014 8:10 PM
Well, when he copies and pastes, he's technically not wrong.  I'd love to know if he can explain what any of that means, practically speaking...

Given that his initial statement was that you could make a perpetual motion machine by splitting water, my best guess is no.
2/27/2014 9:27 PM
Wikipedia, the morons reference book. 
2/27/2014 10:02 PM
Posted by raucous on 2/25/2014 8:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by leppykahn on 2/25/2014 3:13:00 PM (view original):
The hottest years on record are all in the last 10 years. Ice at the north pole in rapid decline. Don't be a retard. If science can't convince you, you . Don't . Deserve to have an opinion.
...and the ice at the south pole is in rapid increase.  What is your point?

You just are not smart enough to take all of the data.  I feel for you.

You clearly are the one with the intelligence problems here. 

Scientists are the best and brightest, and overwhelmingly believe the evidence supports global warming. 

Meanwhile, you are buying into some utter bullshit churned out by the people who have a dream of leaving every major US city as polluted as Shanghai with no regulations or reprocussions. 
2/28/2014 3:42 PM
WOW!  Let's see.  rsp777 and bronxcheer won't talk to me again.  They keep coming back but they don't wanna talk.

Let's see who else I can knock off.

dahsdebatar is obviously ******.  He got punked.  Bad.  And he don't like it.

Now…I gotta give das a little slack because he was so obviously hurt.  I don't wanna hurt you bro…but you can't put words in my mouth.

On one hand you say I said something I can't find.  I never said it.  You can't cut and paste it.  Just a guy using my own words.  BUT THEN!!!  I'm a cut and paster without words.  So you can't cut and paste or find where I said perpetual motion.  You said it twice.  I never said it once.  And there's the rub.

I can't talk.  I can't cut and paste.  I can't listen and I can't watch.

I'm not allowed to be here.  Because people like you said so.  

There's is only one way.  Your way.  Nothing else has any merit or scintilla of truth.  We are to be plowed under or cast away. 

Regardless if we said it or not.  Your interpretation carries the day as you move into your new brave world.  

And so a concept of energy production is simply another casualty in the war of attrition. Politics first. Pride second. Humanity…….

2/28/2014 7:55 PM (edited)
  Hydrogen is produced deep within the earth and enters the ocean.  It is produced by fracking and fossil fuels.  It is produced through chemical reaction. It is produced through the production of fertilizer and ammonia.  It can be extracted from air at the rate of 1/2 liter to 1,000,000. Get it before it leaves. It can be extracted from water and turned back into water at a big net gain of energy.  IF YOU REALLY WANNA GO GREEN then this is the way to go. 
This would be the very definition of a perpetual motion machine.  Just because you're not intelligent/educated enough to understand what I'm talking about doesn't mean I got "punked."

EDIT: And, of course, like all proposed perpetual motion machines, this is impossible.

2/28/2014 9:05 PM (edited)
Hydrogen is not produced. All the hydrogen was created in the big bang.  Any hydrogen released in the process talked about is not created but released from whatever chemical compound it was in. 
2/28/2014 9:45 PM
Meh, I initially had that thought as well, but technically speaking one could argue you're wrong.  It's really just a nomenclature question - hydrogen can refer to the element, but it can also refer specifically to the diatomic gas.  H2 is absolutely produced from electrolysis of water, so what they said isn't wrong.  And in Dougy's defense, in his paragraph I quoted right above your post, he said it could be extracted from water.  It's his quoted stuff that said produced.  But I'm sure they're just referring to the gas/molecule, not the element.
2/28/2014 10:02 PM
Thank you.  We type in fury in the element of time, which isn't an element at all. The english language is a wonderful thing.  

I simply think the hydrogen cell is the future. Use solar and wind and bio to capture IT! That's all. 
3/2/2014 4:05 PM (edited)
I think this would be a good time to review what RUSH LIMBAUGH and the majority of Americans are thinking and saying about global warming.

In fact, this would be the greatest time to start sourcing his material.  I'll source mine to the best of my ability.  My personal stuff.

That's 'cause sometimes you just blurt something out in response.  We don't expect it to be sourced.  It's an opinion. 

And while I may not be a scientist, I am a partially free and independent citizen of the current regime and what's left of the REPUBLIC.  And under what's left of the CONSTITUTION I am allowed to freely express my thoughts.  The NSA need not spy on me.  I put it out freely.  While I still can.

And so I ask you to humor me yet one more time as we review the last 5 days of RUSH LIMBAUGH and see what he has to say about global warming.

Rush and the scientists.  And their sources. 

This should be fun.  Delightful.  And I want to thank you.

3/14/2014 5:01 PM

RUSH: The Senate, the Democrats in the Senate, did an all-night talkathon on global warming.  I have to tell you something, folks, and this kind of gives away why they're doing it.  Does anybody think that an all-night talkathon -- don't call it a filibuster, they said -- on climate change or global warming is gonna get them a single vote?  With everything else going on, I mean, you've got Democrats running away from Barack Obama as fast as they ever have run away from a Democrat president because of Obamacare. You've got Obama going on an Internet TV show making a pretty big fool of himself in trying to pitch Obamacare.  The audio sound bites of this are coming up. 

Is this not rich.  Dianne Feinstein found out that congressional computers have been spied on, and she is livid.  Yeah, it's perfectly fine for the NSA to spy on everybody else but when the CIA or anybody else starts looking into her computers, then there's gonna be hell to pay.  But these people are doing this all-night talkathon in the Senate; they've got a bunch of fundraisers out there threatening to withhold money.  There's one guy, I forget his name, we talked about him a week or two ago. He's a multi-billionaire financier of some kind, he was saying, "If you guys don't get serious about this, I'm pulling my money."  That's why they did it.  It's strictly for money. 

Now, money being as important as it is, they may not get any additional votes per se from this, but the money that will not be taken away because they did this will of course come in useful for them in their campaigns.  Tom Steyer, that's right, that's who the guy is. Tom Steyer, and he's a wacko. He's a legitimate ultra left-wing but filthy rich, if you can believe it, hedge fund wacko.  Filthy rich.  Hundred million dollars at a time, he gives to the Democrat Party. He threatened to withhold it if Obama and the Democrats didn't start getting serious about climate change. 

3/14/2014 5:11 PM

Let me ask you a question.  It's the same thing about people and who they have sex with.  What is political about this?  Why in the world is climate change political?  You got Richard Branson, who is single-handedly responsible for more CO2 emissions than maybe any living human being because of Virgin Atlantic Airlines.  The amount of CO2 that his jets have put in the atmosphere would dwarf anything you've ever even dreamed of in your SUV, and he's out there praising the Apple CEO for telling investors who don't want money wasted on this kind of stuff at the corporate level to go take a hike.  That a way, Tim, you tell 'em.  That's exactly right.  We need more CEOs to tell investors to take a hike.  We tell we need more CEOs to tell investors to avoid the stock, and we need more CEOs that are gonna sit there and do the right socially conscious thing with corporate money. 

What is this?  The guy puts out more pollution, if you want to call it that, and yet he's out there making it sound like he's one of the biggest anti-global warming, anti-CO2 warriors.  It's no different than Gates and Buffett standing for tax increases.  It inoculates them from any criticism as rich guys.  And when the people with pitchforks gather at the gates to try to take away everybody's money they'll leave Gates and Buffett alone, and the Kennedys, they'll leave them alone.  So here's a guy that single-handedly is responsible for more pollution than entire cities combined, beating the drum for corporate responsibility when it comes to pollution. 

He's not gonna shut his airplanes down.  He did fly one with vegetable oil in one of the engine once.  No passengers on it.  The thing smelled like French fries the whole route.  He did.  He put vegetable oil in one of the engines as a test, and it was just a PR thing.  They're never gonna fly a jet with people on it powered by Wesson oil.  They're just not gonna do it.  Why is this political, is my point?  To those of you in the audience who are low-information voters -- of course, most low-information voters don't think they are.  That's the dilemma, the irony.  They don't think they are.  Most stupid people don't realize it.  They're not smart enough to know they're stupid.  And it's the same thing with low-information voters.  They don't know enough to know how little they know. 

3/14/2014 5:12 PM

So when I say "to you low-information voters" there's nobody out there, "Oh, he's talking to me."  But I'm just gonna ask the question anyway.  What in the world is Republican versus Democrat about global warming?  Let me put another way.  Why is climate change such a big deal to the Democrat Party?  What is it that's political about it?  I'm serious.  I'm asking you to provide an answer yourself.  What is political?  What is political about two men having sex with each other or two women having sex, what is political about that?  But it is, as far as Democrat Party's concerned, it is.  Everything they do is political. 

What is political about climate change and global warming?  Why is that a political issue, not a science issue?  Why is it that where you go to learn about that is politics and not science?  And in answering the question, you might find out where the fraud exists.  Why does one particular party seem hell-bent on the belief that there is manmade global warming?  Why?  And the answer is very simple.  Higher taxes, bigger government, and less freedom. 

That's what you'll surrender in order for these people to, quote/unquote "fix it."  But they can't.  They can't.  They can't even prove that we are causing it. There's no way they can fix it. There's no way they can reduce CO2 emissions without turning everybody into poverty stricken waifs. It just can't by done.  It's not about fixing it when you get down to it.  See, that's the dirty little secret.

Like Obamacare is not about health care, global warming is not about keeping it from getting hot.  Global warming, climate change is not about making it cooler. It's not about anything like that, just like "health care" is not about health care.  They are simply disguised issues to advance a particular party -- in this case, the Democrat Party's -- agenda.  

3/14/2014 5:14 PM
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