Connecticut shooting Topic

Posted by sergei91 on 12/17/2012 9:37:00 AM (view original):
so stricter gun laws are gonna keep guns out of the hands of people who want them bad enough? how are those drug laws working? glad nobody can acquire drugs because of all the laws against it.

those type of laws are like restraining orders. non-enforcable. or at least not effective of anything until AFTER THE FACT.
Correct.  I mentioned this in my 12/15/2012 8:52 PM post.

It is another version of liberal fantasy land.  The elimination of guns is not going to happen.  Libs can go feel all good about themselves because they want to eliminate "bad" looking guns (which is exactly how they decided which guns to eliminate in the first assault weapons ban bill, they literally got pics of guns and picked which ones to elimanate) and limit magazine capacity, but it will not do a damn thing.

The answer is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.  Criminals use them the most, and the mentally ill are the main causes of mass shootings.

12/17/2012 9:52 AM
Oy!  The kid was autistic and had major mental issues.  So his mom thought a good bonding method with him was to take him to the gun range!


12/17/2012 10:26 AM
If all guns where 1 shooters (only had 1 bullet) then this kind of crap wouldnt happen.  And 1 bullet is all a good guy needs to stop a bad guy thats gone insane.  Heck, we should go back to muskets and black powder.
12/17/2012 10:54 AM
anyone starting to hope the mayans are right?
12/17/2012 11:16 AM
Posted by pttsbrghkid on 12/17/2012 11:16:00 AM (view original):
anyone starting to hope the mayans are right?
I have been for sometime. 
12/17/2012 11:22 AM
Posted by seamar_116 on 12/17/2012 7:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 12/17/2012 1:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by occsid on 12/15/2012 11:20:00 PM (view original):
I am not against guns. I own three that I inherited from my dad but there is no reason in the universe for anyone outside of the Armed Forces and law enforcement to have an assault rifle. If you think there is less manure in a manure factory then between your ears.

Why do we have more mentally ill running around? Republicans attack on the health care system with their cuts. Keep it up. 

The reason we have mentally ill running around is the left refuses to allow crazy people be locked up.
you might be too young to remember Swamp, but it was Reagan who cut back on mental health services and put mentally ill people on the streets.

And of course, your desire to "lock crazy people up" is of course the way to treat mental illness. Personally, I would opt for locking obese people up.

We all remember Reagan. My first election that I was old enough to vote was Reagan 84. Was active in his campaign in 80. I often would stay calm when Obama supporters were screaming for their guy by remembering how I felt in 1980.

The concept that we shouldnt lock up the mentally ill started in the 50s and 60s. We need to treat and set up ways to get them back into society. Use drugs.

I realize a government keeping people in fail forever can be a danger, but if we are going to limit freedom lets start with a handful of people, as opposed to all citizens.
12/17/2012 1:14 PM
JFK was the big proponent of de-institutionalization.  He got the bill passed.  Once again, a Democrat shoots a dog who has fleas.
12/17/2012 1:27 PM
Posted by raucous on 12/17/2012 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Oy!  The kid was autistic and had major mental issues.  So his mom thought a good bonding method with him was to take him to the gun range!


I don't know as there is any way to eliminate idiot parents.
12/17/2012 1:54 PM
Posted by greeny9 on 12/17/2012 10:54:00 AM (view original):
If all guns where 1 shooters (only had 1 bullet) then this kind of crap wouldnt happen.  And 1 bullet is all a good guy needs to stop a bad guy thats gone insane.  Heck, we should go back to muskets and black powder.
And greeny buys a first class ticket to liberal fantasy land.

Why even make that comment?  It has no basis in reality.  It is never going to happen.

12/17/2012 1:55 PM
12/17/2012 1:55 PM
So no matter if it works or not there is a growing swell of support for some kind of limits.

Where is the middle ground.

Banning all weapons isnt acceptable. Leaving things the way they are isnt acceptable.

So what is the middle ground.

1 Ban all mags over 15 rounds.
2 Ban the sale of kits to convert semiautos to autos.
3 tighten the conditions for gun permits to limit people with mental issues and convicted felons.
4 Limit the amount of weapons and ammo you can buy in a single month. 3 weapons and 1200 rounds.
5 Elminate all federal bans on state CCW permits.
6 If there is ever an attempt to add to this law it has to start over from scratch, you cannot just add till all guns are banned.

As an NRA member i consider this dangerous but would allow it. Will this make your side happy?
12/17/2012 5:14 PM
(1)  useless
(2)  there is no automatic weapon problem
(3)  there are already such restrictions
(4)  useless
(5)  what are you referring to on this one? 
(6)  useless (you can just amend the law to take out that portion)
12/17/2012 10:35 PM
Belief that more guns make us safer...

Ft. Hood shortage of armed, trained people there.

Luby's, Kileen Texas...cops were eating there.

Murder of 4 cops at a coffee shop in Washington State a couple of years a convicted murderer that Huckabee pardoned in Arkansas.

Lanza's mom. Why didn't her guns protect her? Doesn't this pretty much destroy that myth?

What if we made it harder to kill large numbers of people in such a short period of time, instead of saying "more people should be armed." We already have the highest incidence of gun-ownership in the industrialized many of these all too frequent incidents have been stopped by someone carrying?

* If you live in an area prone to wild boar attacks how about carrying a shotgun...or an elephant gun? Either of those fulfill your needs? Heck, I'd let you pack a LAW if you wanted. Single shot...don't miss.

12/18/2012 2:03 AM
Posted by greeny9 on 12/17/2012 10:54:00 (view original):
If all guns where 1 shooters (only had 1 bullet) then this kind of crap wouldnt happen.  And 1 bullet is all a good guy needs to stop a bad guy thats gone insane.  Heck, we should go back to muskets and black powder.
Bullshit.  Ever seen a 300 pounder on meth?  One shot might not even phase him.  

12/18/2012 2:25 AM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 12/17/2012 5:14:00 PM (view original):
So no matter if it works or not there is a growing swell of support for some kind of limits.

Where is the middle ground.

Banning all weapons isnt acceptable. Leaving things the way they are isnt acceptable.

So what is the middle ground.

1 Ban all mags over 15 rounds.
2 Ban the sale of kits to convert semiautos to autos.
3 tighten the conditions for gun permits to limit people with mental issues and convicted felons.
4 Limit the amount of weapons and ammo you can buy in a single month. 3 weapons and 1200 rounds.
5 Elminate all federal bans on state CCW permits.
6 If there is ever an attempt to add to this law it has to start over from scratch, you cannot just add till all guns are banned.

As an NRA member i consider this dangerous but would allow it. Will this make your side happy?
If you are an NRA member, you should give up your card.

1.  Bravo for using proper terminology. Mags/magazines, not clips.
2.  Do you have any ******* clue how illegal these kits already are?  Transferable Full- Autos must have been manufactured before 1984.  Civilians CAN buy these, for a shitload of cash, and a federal tax stamp that takes over 6 months to get and is only good for one particular firearm.
3.  Convicted felons cannot own, possess or be in the vicinity of firearms.  Most mental health issues have the same stipulations.  As well as medical marijuana card holders.  The federal government still considers all marijuana use illegal.  You have a card - you can't own a gun.
4.  How exactly do you plan on enforcing this one? Just a stupid idea.
5.  What are you even talking about?  
6.  Again, what the hell?

You sir, should at least have a small bit of knowledge before you open your mouth, or type another word regarding firearms.
12/18/2012 2:35 AM
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Connecticut shooting Topic

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