Career Championships Leaderboard Topic

Posted by topdogggbm on 10/10/2021 3:33:00 AM (view original):
Congrats to hawkfan1991 for title #10! (Although really it's title #21 with his two profiles combined)
Thanks, Top! This one was unexpected for sure! Tell me this isn’t nerdy - I still remember my first title - the team, where I was when I was reading the pbp, etc. The same way you remember momentous occasions in your life. I hope my wife never reads this, lol.
10/14/2021 9:04 AM
Congrats to the young blossoming future star of HD!..... jptrainwreck joins the club with title #5! Something tells me he'll climb this list at a rapid pace. Good job young man.
10/23/2021 7:33 AM
Jmercer77 on the board tonight. Championship number 5 in Naismith! Congrats man! You're in a club with some of the all time greats. Feel free to wander around the room and mingle. Refreshments are over by the awards table. Ceremony begins at 6.
11/17/2021 3:50 AM
Congrats to xulapaul for winning title #30, all in D3. Come on up to the big leagues now Paul! We could use ya!
11/22/2021 3:26 AM
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Yes! The D3 game is great, stay where you are Paul! I'm still trying for my first title in D3... when the time comes, I hope Dogg captions it with "CPA-ROD knocks off the mighty Xulapaul in D3 championship! HD world is stunned."
11/23/2021 5:32 PM
Posted by xulapaul on 11/23/2021 10:14:00 AM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 11/22/2021 3:26:00 AM (view original):
Congrats to xulapaul for winning title #30, all in D3. Come on up to the big leagues now Paul! We could use ya!
I actually have a couple - or at least one - at DII from a long time ago (at St. Anselm College). But I just love the DIII game and am happy there.
11/23/2021 9:06 PM
Feels like I haven't posted here in an eternity.....

Congrats to bhizzy04 for joining the board with championship #5!

Congrats to splash23 for joining the double digit title club with ring #10!
12/16/2021 7:33 AM
Posted by topdogggbm on 11/22/2021 3:26:00 AM (view original):
Congrats to xulapaul for winning title #30, all in D3. Come on up to the big leagues now Paul! We could use ya!
wait... the big leagues!! what, like d3 isn't the big leagues?? from the mouth of mr. dogg himself... never thought i'd see the day!
12/16/2021 1:18 PM
Posted by gillispie on 12/16/2021 1:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 11/22/2021 3:26:00 AM (view original):
Congrats to xulapaul for winning title #30, all in D3. Come on up to the big leagues now Paul! We could use ya!
wait... the big leagues!! what, like d3 isn't the big leagues?? from the mouth of mr. dogg himself... never thought i'd see the day!
I've NEVER played more than 1 D3 season. Maybe in my 1st career back in '07. But since you've known me I've never ever played D3. Playing D2 is a step in the right direction. And playing D1 is the final move.

My comment to Paul was that he's gotta be bored to tears with sleep walking thru the same ol teams in the same ol worlds winning title after title. I think it's good for the best of the best to move up after while. For the sake of the community competition. Obviously we all play for our own reasons and he wants to stay. So be it. But I still try to persuade people!

I walk the walk tho. All 7 of my teams are D1 now. I have roughly 230 seasons. (60 were from the past, so let's say 170 seasons really). About 120 of those were D2, I smashed. I got antsy for the next challenge. 50 seasons of D1 later, I'm smashing still (just talking the talk! I'm just "pretty good" for now. A couple of D1 titles), and after another 100 or less D1 seasons I'll retire.

I practice what i preach sir! And i just root for the best of the best to challenge themselves as I did. Paul is certainly "the best of the best" along with a few other D3 mainstays. And i hope one day they make the move as well, after seeing 36 humans in a lower division isn't as competitive anymore! (THAT is new. D2/D3 populations weren't as bad back in the day).
12/16/2021 8:22 PM
Congrats to zedonk for title #5. Welcome to the 5x championship thread. Grab some chips and dip and make yourself at home
12/21/2021 1:44 PM
It's official folks! He has done it! Congratulations to piman314! The first and only coach to win 50 championships in HD history! Yes, I said 50!

So tell us your secrets. What's in your diet? Do you stay in shape in the offseason? Anti aging cream? I mean what makes piman be able to do it season after season, while the rest of us continue to try to earn our place on the leader board?
1/5/2022 5:12 AM
Posted by topdogggbm on 1/5/2022 5:12:00 AM (view original):
It's official folks! He has done it! Congratulations to piman314! The first and only coach to win 50 championships in HD history! Yes, I said 50!

So tell us your secrets. What's in your diet? Do you stay in shape in the offseason? Anti aging cream? I mean what makes piman be able to do it season after season, while the rest of us continue to try to earn our place on the leader board?
It probably has a lot to do with he is better at math than you are.
1/5/2022 5:36 AM
Could be! But if you couldn't tell, it was just a little humor to have some fun
1/5/2022 11:23 AM (edited)
congrats piman!! 50 is a huge number.

hey dogg - oldresorter = ryan75, i see other folks have their multiple IDs on that first page, but not him. its crazy that someone finally passed OR's main ID though, i didn't actually think that would ever happen, didn't think HD would survive so long! crazy accomplishment for piman there
1/5/2022 2:50 PM
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