Commentary Thread DH $52M Draft League LXVIII Topic

I know people who are sick and I know people who have died. Let's be respectful.
4/8/2020 2:57 PM
And I know people who are sick and who have died of influenza (34,200 US deaths in 2019; worldwide deaths were at 650,000) --- but then, what does that have to do with anything UNLESS you're looking to create a problem.

Your play on compassion is boorish and offensive - too bad it didn't resonate last year when people were dying of influenza - see statistics above - nobody seemed to care about those individuals.

4/8/2020 3:13 PM
No worries though, the GOVERNMENT is going to give certain individuals $1,200 --- WOW - how fortunate to get that BECAUSE what, going to work you were getting less? Just another example of GOVERNMENT not being the answer - and yet, people are salivating and lining up for $1,200 INSTEAD of being outraged over the stay at home orders.

4/8/2020 3:23 PM
this is how you choose to spend your time?
4/8/2020 3:26 PM
Straw man arguments, Penn.

No one is taking the points opposite of the ones you’re taking. You’re inventing people’s positions for them and then attacking the straw men. The only argument we’re all making is “chill tf out and stop ranting”, not “I love destroying my community” or any other nonsense that you’re pretending we’re saying.
4/8/2020 3:30 PM
Does this happen every draft in this league? This may be my last season here.
4/8/2020 4:06 PM
Posted by benhoidal on 4/8/2020 4:06:00 PM (view original):
Does this happen every draft in this league? This may be my last season here.
Which part? But also, yes.
4/8/2020 4:08 PM
The idiots feel compelled to respond - and in doing so, implement the quintessential liberal response of "changing the argument" as a means of deflecting the actual issue.

You're a damn fool - and your response exposes the idiocy of your rantings -- IT'S BEEN 20+ HOURS - what exactly is you point OTHER than you have no point.
I get tired of having to deal with idiots - in the Real world I get paid to deal with the idiotic decisions people make (and expect me to fix) - I didn't sign up to sit around doing nothing while others who've signed up can't take it upon themselves to do what they signed up for.
Straw man arguments - you sound like a fool BECAUSE you don't even know what it means. SEE DUNNING-KRUGER effect.

4/8/2020 4:10 PM
So what you're saying is you'd rather have $5M less salary than the salary plus a back in my day angry rant directed at everyone but received well by no one?

yup, that makes perfect sense
4/8/2020 4:15 PM (edited)
benhoidal - YES.

that's why I get upset - it's the same damn thing ever draft - and the fools continue to excuse those who constantly delay the draft BUT apparently it's my fault for pointing that out - ALL THE WHILE we wait and wait and wait.
4/8/2020 4:13 PM
just a few thoughts...

- if anyone is to blame for the slow start, its clearly was my decision to delay the league so we wouldnt overlap with the ODL...then the ODL took longer then expected to start up...then i took too long to get us started back can call it a mixture of laziness and draft fatigue...i still love the drafts but ive been doing them non-stop since 09 - im not always as excited to get to drafting as i was 10 years ago...i completely understand those of you upset about us not starting right away...i remember being annoyed with ncih(the previous commish) back in the day because he wasnt starting up quick enough for my liking...ill try to be more mindful of that in future seasons

- im never gonna do a clock or skips in the 1st round...for a number of reasons i think its a terrible idea and im not changing my mind on it

- i can see this thread might turn kinda ugly soon...thats fine in the commentary thread - discuss whatever you want...but DO NOT bring any of this into the actual draft thread...thats for draft picks or draft pick related posts ONLY

- midge opened my sitemail on 4/3...he has not opened the sitemail letting him know the draft has started that i sent yesterday...seeing as this is the only league he is currently in, i dont find it all that unreasonable to not check every single day considering he knows the lazy commish usually takes a few days to get things going...once he realizes we have started then he knows to check everyday...i dont think hes the only owner that thinks like this..not all of us spend time on this site everyday

- if midge hasnt made his pick by midnight i will make a selection for him like i did with redbooda last season

- ive been wanting to do a blacklist draft for awhile and it looks like ill have plenty of time to do it will be my own created blacklist using the last several 52/odl drafts...i plan on starting it up sometime after this draft ends so keep an eye out for that
4/8/2020 4:13 PM
4/8/2020 4:19 PM
bds9992 - what I'm saying nit-wit, is that people who sign up for this league should do what they signed up to do - how da*n difficult is it to check in periodically and participate.

I mean really - how stupid is stupid - all the while you sit and wait for others to do what they signed up to do --- talk about being the fool of fools.

4/8/2020 4:20 PM
The issue isn't when you started the league - the issue, as always, is when the league gets started there are always a few who cause delays because they don't check up on the progress of the draft.

It's really that simple EXCEPT for those who always defend the delay culprits
4/8/2020 4:23 PM
Posted by pennsylvania on 4/8/2020 4:20:00 PM (view original):
bds9992 - what I'm saying nit-wit, is that people who sign up for this league should do what they signed up to do - how da*n difficult is it to check in periodically and participate.

I mean really - how stupid is stupid - all the while you sit and wait for others to do what they signed up to do --- talk about being the fool of fools.

Call me a nit-wit one more time.

I choose not to engage in this conversation because you're working backwards from a conclusion. I tried to talk to you once, but you were unwilling to continue once the conversation no longer suited you. You're not interested in discussing, you're interested in scolding. And why? Because you're hopped up on Fox or OAN or InfoWars or some garbage and you believe you know more than anyone who disagrees with you, which is ridiculous.

No one cares......but I'm definitely not a nit-wit, and I guarantee I can come at you with more facts and numbers than you've even considered. Quit while you're behind. Trust me, I have more names for you than you have for me.
4/8/2020 4:32 PM
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Commentary Thread DH $52M Draft League LXVIII Topic

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